Editor and IDE Support Edit

OPA can be integrated into editors and IDEs to provide features like syntax highlighting, query evaluation, policy coverage, and more.


Visual Studio Codemarketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=tsandall.opaSupports Language Server and Debug Adapter
NeovimSyntax highlighting tree-sitter-rego, Language server nvim-lspconfig, Debugger nvim-dap + nvim-dap-regoSupports Language Server and Debug Adapter
Zedgithub.com/StyraInc/zed-regoSupports Language Server
IntelliJ IDEAgithub.com/open-policy-agent/opa-idea-plugin
Sublime Textgithub.com/open-policy-agent/opa/tree/main/misc/syntax/sublime
Atomgithub.com/open-policy-agent/opa/tree/main/misc/syntax/atomThe Atom editor is no longer maintained.
Your editor missing? Built a Rego integration for your editor? Drop us a message on Slack We also have our Ecosystem page. This is a great place to showcase your project. See these instructions to get it listed.

Rego Playground

The Rego Playground provides a great editor to get started with OPA and share policies. Try it out at play.openpolicyagent.org.